Friday, October 23, 2009

Poem #25: "Maturity" by Philip Larkin


I find this poem interesting in its take on growing old.  I like the simple use of language to describe the slow, painful degeneration of aging.  I overall enjoyed the poem due to its short but sweet approach.

Poem #24: "To My Wife" by Philip Larkin

To My Wife

Though this poem has a strong sense of negativity, I still found it to be enjoyable and of merit.  It is simple, but can adequately present Larkin's feelings.  He does a good job presenting the sense of disappointment and regret concerning his present relationship with his wife.

Poem #23: "The Trees" by Philip Larkin

The Trees

I find how this poem alludes to a cycle of life to be very interesting.  Larkin views the birth and death of living things to simply be a cycle.  When things die, it only means that something else will be reborn and vice-versa.

Poem #22: "Bright Star" by John Keats

Bright Star

This is yet another poem that makes great use of descriptive language.  It has a palpable sense of idealism and optimism as the Keats uses figurative language.  It is overall a very enjoyable poem that can elicit many strong emotions.

Poem #21: "On My First Son" by Ben Jonson

On My First Son

This is a sad poem by Jonson that grieves the death of his son.  He states that instead of lamenting his son's fate, he should envy it as an escape from the troubles of the world.  I believe this to be a very heartfelt piece that expresses his many emotions concerning this situation.

Poem #20: "Dreams" by Langston Hughes


In this poem, Hughes stresses the importance of having dreams in life.  Without having goals or something to aspire to, he states that life is meaningless and of little consequence.  It is what we make of it that can make it truly special.

Poem #19: "Democracy" by Langston Hughes


I found myself agreeing with many of the points Hughes made in this poem.  He speaks of the slow bureaucratic process that is often associated with democracy and brings any legislation to a grinding halt.  Instead of waiting for change and equality to come tomorrow, he needs it today.