Many years of my life have gone by and now I am entering my twilight years. Looking back on my life, which seemed to fly by, I am overall happy with how it went. Although there were many struggles and setbacks that made more than a few days difficult, I feel that I have accomplished all that I could have with few regrets.
I now live comfortably with my wife and my children have successfully graduated from college and have their own families. I had been able to have a job that I had enjoyed and paid well enough to allow economic security for the rest of my life. After great struggles, I was able to accomplish a number of goals I had for my life.
There are a number of instances that I wished that I could have handled differently and though I did not get to do everything I wished to do, I am at peace with the fact that certain things were not meant to be. I know now that believing happiness and success is measured by the greatness of one's accomplishments is a young man's foolishness.